What is the 'empirical data' in these two papers?
For the first paper, Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space (Fernaeus & Tholander), the empirical data is the data that is created and observed during the testing of the prototypes. The same is said about Differentiated Driving Range (Lundström), however they also collected data during interviews.
Can practical design work in itself be considered a 'knowledge contribution'?
Of course it can! By doing practical design work, you actually get your hands on the material and the interactions that theoretically could work. By trying it out practically, you might find new reasons why a concept should be designed like you did, or perhaps why it should not. If you do not reach any conclusions about the concept itself by doing it practically, at least the contribution to knowledge is the way you carried out your design work and that by itself could be of great help for other researchers and/or designers when they want to try out similar concepts.
Are there any differences in design intentions within a research project, compared to design in general?
I would say that the design intentions within a research project aims at improving or perhaps breaking new ground when it comes to design concepts, as compared to design in general when you usually try to follow and implement the best practices which are created when doing research. What I have noticed when reading different papers within design research, is that most of the time the researchers do not try to make things look at good as possible, which usually is the goal of general design work. A lot of times the design process within research projects is very iterative, changing quite a bit during the process as user tests generate feedback that help form the end result. This contrasts how general design work sometimes progress, where you are not always able to do user tests during the process which gives it more of a genius design approach where the designer puts him or herself above the user when it comes to design choices.
Is research in tech domains such as these ever replicable? How may we account for aspects such as time/historical setting, skills of the designers, available tools, etc?
I guess this varies as you could have different goals with your research. If the goal is to try and find the best method of evaluating a certain design pattern, then yes, of course you could replicate the research method with the difference of changing some part of it. However, if the goal is to create the most optimal way of implementing a menu system in a mobile web environment, doing the same research with different designers could create very different scenarios, not to mention all the different user groups and different technologies that could be used. All of these parameters could highly affect the outcome of the study. It would be easy to say that you could just use some kind of mockup software on a "regular" computer to try and dampen the impact of the previously mentioned parameters, however there are many different softwares for creating mockups, all with their own design elements even if they are to be used only for wireframing. So even trying to do things in a basic way could be highly differentiated depending on the tools used. The answer then would be both 'yes' and 'no'. Some more 'meta' concepts could be carried out independent of the technical development process, but some things are just too particular to be able to replicate in a good way when it comes to research.
Are there any important differences with design driven research compared to other research practices?
The big difference to me is that design driven research often is more qualitative and iterative as I have described above, when compared to other research practices where usually a lot of data (read quantitative methods) are used in order to understand a certain problem or phenomena. Design research is more abstract than many other research practices, meaning that there is not a single way to solve a problem - it is very non-binary. There is no clear 'rights' or 'wrongs'. What works for one user group may not work at all for another, which makes 'one-size-fits-all'-solutions quite hard to find.
For the first paper, Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space (Fernaeus & Tholander), the empirical data is the data that is created and observed during the testing of the prototypes. The same is said about Differentiated Driving Range (Lundström), however they also collected data during interviews.
Can practical design work in itself be considered a 'knowledge contribution'?
Of course it can! By doing practical design work, you actually get your hands on the material and the interactions that theoretically could work. By trying it out practically, you might find new reasons why a concept should be designed like you did, or perhaps why it should not. If you do not reach any conclusions about the concept itself by doing it practically, at least the contribution to knowledge is the way you carried out your design work and that by itself could be of great help for other researchers and/or designers when they want to try out similar concepts.
Are there any differences in design intentions within a research project, compared to design in general?
I would say that the design intentions within a research project aims at improving or perhaps breaking new ground when it comes to design concepts, as compared to design in general when you usually try to follow and implement the best practices which are created when doing research. What I have noticed when reading different papers within design research, is that most of the time the researchers do not try to make things look at good as possible, which usually is the goal of general design work. A lot of times the design process within research projects is very iterative, changing quite a bit during the process as user tests generate feedback that help form the end result. This contrasts how general design work sometimes progress, where you are not always able to do user tests during the process which gives it more of a genius design approach where the designer puts him or herself above the user when it comes to design choices.
Is research in tech domains such as these ever replicable? How may we account for aspects such as time/historical setting, skills of the designers, available tools, etc?
I guess this varies as you could have different goals with your research. If the goal is to try and find the best method of evaluating a certain design pattern, then yes, of course you could replicate the research method with the difference of changing some part of it. However, if the goal is to create the most optimal way of implementing a menu system in a mobile web environment, doing the same research with different designers could create very different scenarios, not to mention all the different user groups and different technologies that could be used. All of these parameters could highly affect the outcome of the study. It would be easy to say that you could just use some kind of mockup software on a "regular" computer to try and dampen the impact of the previously mentioned parameters, however there are many different softwares for creating mockups, all with their own design elements even if they are to be used only for wireframing. So even trying to do things in a basic way could be highly differentiated depending on the tools used. The answer then would be both 'yes' and 'no'. Some more 'meta' concepts could be carried out independent of the technical development process, but some things are just too particular to be able to replicate in a good way when it comes to research.
Are there any important differences with design driven research compared to other research practices?
The big difference to me is that design driven research often is more qualitative and iterative as I have described above, when compared to other research practices where usually a lot of data (read quantitative methods) are used in order to understand a certain problem or phenomena. Design research is more abstract than many other research practices, meaning that there is not a single way to solve a problem - it is very non-binary. There is no clear 'rights' or 'wrongs'. What works for one user group may not work at all for another, which makes 'one-size-fits-all'-solutions quite hard to find.